Her-Bivore Blog

Where do Vegans get their Calcium?

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Vegan Calcium

Where do vegans get their calcium?

When people think calcium, generally their mind goes straight to cow's milk. It's in adverts, magazines, internet blogs and even on the cartons themselves. We are conditioned to think that we need cow's milk to survive, but with veganism as one of the fastest growing lifestyle movements, obviously, we don't!

As with all vitamins and minerals, there are calcium supplements on the market, but with so many other options for getting your recommended 1000mg/day, you shouldn't need them. In this article, you'll find 25+ completely vegan sources of protein!

So, where do vegans get their calcium?

1.) Vegetables

While most vegetables contain some level of calcium, some are far more calcium-rich than others. The following vegetables are all high in calcium:

  • Asparagus
  • Bok Choy
  • Spring Greens
  • Fennel
  • Artichokes
  • Broccoli (also high in protein!)
  • Watercress
  • Swede (rutabaga)

2.) Fruits

  • Dried Apricots
  • Blackberries
  • Oranges
  • Prues
  • Rhubarb
  • Kiwi
  • Dates
  • Blackcurrants

3.) Nuts, Beans and Other Sources


This is in no way the limit of vegan calcium sources, calcium is everywhere! With so many vegan sources of calcium, it's likely you'll be able to reach your RDI without even having to think about it, which leaves you more free time to prepare, bake and cook all your tasty vegan foods!

Now all you need are some ideas of what to cook! Why not check out our Mains page to get some inspiration for your next meal?

You might be interested to know what the NHS has to say about eating healthy on a vegan diet, you should check out their post on the vegan diet. It covers a lot of other aspects of a complete diet including protein and vitamins and even offers advice on what vegan mums-to-be should be eating and drinking to be getting the right amount of vitamins and calcium inside their bodies.

Written by Amy Northwood
My passion for food and conservation has led me to where I am now! My aim is to show people that veganism can be diverse, tasty and adapted to fit every lifestyle and budget!
You can find me on Instagram

Amy Northwood - Her-Bivore